Fiesta Turf Weed Killer is Ideal for Everyone
When it comes to weed control, most people think of spring time. Many homeowners don’t realize the strong effect that treating weeds in the fall can have. Cool weather weed control is highly overlooked even though many people use fertilizer and seed in the fall. Applying a post emergent weed killer in autumn is highly effective and helps to control weeds better if spring comes early the following year. By using an organic product like Fiesta turf weed killer, you’re also feeding your lawn at the same time. Alternative chemical-based products, while visually effective, can deplete soil of healthy nutrients which leads to the use of more and more chemicals. Organic gardening products, on the contrary, help feed the soil and the turf helping your lawn grow lush and healthy from the ground up.
Why Soil Health Matters
It is unfortunate to know that so many landscaping products pay no attention to the health of the soil in which the turf is growing. Flower gardeners know how important soil type and health is for growing gorgeous plants. Growing a healthy lawn is no different. Soil health greatly impacts how lush and green your lawn is. Anything with roots obtains many of their nutrients and requirements directly from the soil which it grows in. If you deplete those things from the soil by using toxic chemicals, you need to constantly replenish them with other products. A healthy soil biome, however, works to improve plant and turf health. This, in turn, helps maintain a nutrient-rich soil.
When and Where is the Right Time to Apply Fiesta Turf Weed Killer?
Fiesta turf weed killer is a post emergent broadleaf treatment. It uses an iron chelate solution to selectively target certain weeds while leaving the turf not only untouched, but actually healthier. Applying Fiesta in the fall helps to fend off weeds for the following season making your job in the spring a bit easier. By suppressing these weeds, it also allows more grass to grow resulting in a thicker turf. It can also be applied in the spring and Fiesta works great as a fall treatment. For many weed killers, there are many criteria to follow in order for the product to work. Fiesta weed killer, however, can be used just about any time.
It will not affect any seeding plans because you can reseed in as little as 24-hours. It can also be applied as soon as one week after grass appears. Rain in the forecast? Not a problem with Fiesta. This product is rainfast within three hours. Warm weather, cool weather, broadcast application, and spot treatments are all appropriate for Fiesta.
Fiesta weed killer is a safe herbicide that is perfect to use in public area. Parks, schools, memorial grounds, and playgrounds are ideal locations to use Fiesta. Not only is it safe, it also does not have an odor so the application is not offensive to anyone’s senses. In addition to the fact that it is safe to use around people, when used according to the labeled directions, it does not have any negative impact on bees.
Weeds Affected by Fiesta
While leaving the grass unaffected, Fiesta turf weed killer attracts many broadleaf weeds including, but not limited to:
- Algae
- Broadleaf & Narrow leaved Plantain
- Bull & Canadian Thistle
- Common Chickweed
- Dandelion
- Lichens
- Moss
- Oxalis
- White Clover
- Wild Chamonile
Buy Fiesta Turf Weed Killer Today!
No matter if it is spring or fall, contact Tech Terra Environmental today to buy Fiesta turf weed killer. Follow the application directions and get ready to watch those weeds die. You’ll see results in just a few hours with weeds turning brown while you are actively improving your soil condition and, therefore, your grass too. Commit to organic gardening today and become the envy of every other home in the neighborhood.